Unable to join meeting using zoom component view SDK in I-Phone and I-Pad

I am trying to join meeting using zoom component view SDK through my I-Phone and I-pad using Safari and chrome browser but it is not allowing me join meeting,

I have tested on couple of IOS and IPadOS version of I-Phone and I-Pad, found that below than 16 IOS / 16 IPadOS version is not allowing to join meeting through zoom component view SDK.

Browser Console Error

It is showing error : zoomAppRoot must be defined.

Note : I have tried on I-Phone and IPad which has above 16 IOS/ 16 IPadOS version or Equal to 16 IOS/ 16 IPadOS version, and I am able to join meeting.

Which Web Meeting SDK version?
Zoom Component View SDK 3.1.6

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Join meeting using I-Phone or I-Pad which has below 16 IOS / 16 IPadOS version
  2. User will not be able to join meeting

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: I-Phone, I-Pad
  • OS: Below 16 IOS version and 16 IPadOS version
  • Browser: Safari and chrome
  • Browser Version : LATEST VERSION


Thank you for your post in the Zoom Developer Forum and for bringing attention to the issue you’re encountering. I will test on my end and file a bug report if necessary.

zoom meeting SDK (client & component view) is using the javascript function “crypto.randomUUID”*

iOS and iPadOS are supporting this function since 15.4, so all lower versions are not compatible

*zoom meeting SDK 2.9.7 was the last version without “crypto.randomUUID”

Update: in client view there is a fallback for missing “crypto.randomUUID” integrated in 3.1.6, but not in component view

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Thanks for sharing this insight, @j.schoenemeyer ! Your contributions are very much appreciated.