Universal Links for Zoom integration to web apps

To add zoom buttons to web apps, it would be useful (and platform agnostic) to have some more universal links at hand:

Zoomus://chat/bernd.gewehr@voessing.de could open a private chat with me.
Zoomus://chat/Zoomlovers could open that group chat
Zoomus://meet/bernd.gewehr@voessing.de could launch an a/v call to me
Zoomus://meet/Zoomlovers could launch an a/v group meeting for that chat group

Is there an existing documentation for the currently available universal links?

Will you expand it to add chat in short?

I am investigating our deep link options now. Please keep a lookout in future documentation for clarifications.

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Important will be that all clients (iOS/Android/Mac/win) must register the universal link in the registries of the OS. Then this kind of integration is quite easy and powerful.

I added zoomus: as a protocol to my windows registry using the following .reg-content (add to a zoomus.reg file and launch that file):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"FriendlyTypeName"="Zoom universal Link"
"URL Protocol"=""




@="\"C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Roaming\\Zoom\\bin\\Zoom.exe\" \"--url=%1\""

Now I have to understand which options we have inside of the URL parameter.
Looks like these are the only ones so far:


@TimZoom any news on this one?

Nothing yet. It’s on their roadmap but there are a few other major priorities to get through first.

zoomus:// appears to work for the Zoom App.

Do you know if there is an equivalent for the Zoom Room Controller app?

@TimZoom any idea on the above?

I don’t think there is at the moment. I will add this internally as a feature request though.

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No problem; thank you for the reply.

The doc page does no longer exist, look here for inspiration:

Thanks for adding this @Bernd_Gewehr!

Hey @TimZoom still waiting for this easy to create integration pattern. Imagine Zoom buttons and actions appearing everywhere in web apps to just launch the zoom client to a specific state. Just a few lines of code… (ok, must be same on each supported platform, but OK…)

Please update on this. I think this deserves your attention. Imagine zoom being everywhere in servicenow, confluence, HCL connections, outlook, notes, or even teams…? This simple step makes that possible.

Please do it!

See also this, a wild mix of different approaches on each platform. This must be all the same and should allow deep linking to chat, call and meet

Hey @Bernd_Gewehr,

Thanks for your feedback. We will use this to improve our URL Schemes.


Thank you, @tommy, great news!

Still looking for those deep links from my first post! If only those were available…

zoomus://join/… (already there)

Possibly also interesting:

zoomus://share/… to send an item

In between, with Zoom Phone, there would also be a


option to do a voice phonecall with me.

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Hey @tommy ,

Would also be interessting for me, I could need the links that @Bernd_Gewehr suggested as well.
Is there anything new yet to open e.g. chat window by a link?
