Web SDK 2.0.1 - Connection issues when using SDK

Hi, @samuelsusanto789 and @azmin.massoumi,

Thanks for reporting the behavior you are seeing. As Max shared, we are tracking an instance of service degradation and the forum post here. I want to add your cases to that ticket for tracking. Can you share the region you are seeing this with a screenshot of the meeting analytics? This information can be found in Zoom Dashboard, which provides graphs that indicate connection quality for sending/receiving video, audio, and shared content. If nothing is being sent or received at that time, no information will show. You can learn more about meeting statistics and graphs available on the Dashboard tab here. I kindly ask that information you send it to developersupport@zoom.us:

Meeting ID -And - UUID:
When Audio or Video dropped:
Zoom Web SDK version for both users:
Client’s Chrome Browser Version:
Date & time:

I will keep an eye out for it:
