Webhook App not triggering for all users (only the developer)

We have created a webhook app on the marketplace. It is a server-to-server OAuth app at the account level. We have a custom internal Python app on the cloud that listens to these events. I have added all users to the account to receive event notifications. Currently, I am the only one who can trigger the events set for when a recording is completed (recording.completed). We do not intend to publish this app as it is a private app for in-house use. The app works just find when one of my recording completes, but it’s not working for any other user in my org even though i’ve set the option for all users in the event notification section.

How can we ensure that our Zoom app can receive event notifications for all users and not just the developer? Is there a setting I might have missed?

Hi @rhenriquez
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to the Zoom Developer Community!
Am I understanding that you are only getting the event recording.completed when the recording belongs to you? even though you have set up the events for all the users in the account?

You should be able to receive events from all users in your account when using a Server to Server Oauth app