Webhooks are not showing?

I have not had any webhooks come through for several hours. Wondering if others are seeing this. For example, I have webhooks for callee_ringing, callee_answered, and callee_ended but they are not appearing in the Zapier webhook trigger I am using. Nor are they appearing in Zoom’s API webhook report here:

Just wondering if I am missing something obvious. The webhook apps I’ve created in Zoom are all activated. Any ideas are appreciated!

Hey @calebsg,

We do not have an outage or Webhook delays issues posted on status.zoom.us.

Have you tested by calling your Zoom Phone (triggering the Webhook events) to see if the Webhooks come through?


Hey Tommy. Yes, I checked the status page and noticed everything was green.

I am testing by calling my Zoom Phone from my cell phone. I just had a call come in 30 minutes ago (about 3 minutes duration) from a client and there was a callee_ended event but no callee_ringing and no callee_answered events when these should have occurred as well.

Hey @calebsg,

Thank you for providing additional information. I looked at the link you provided and saw that Webhooks were logged for callee_answered, and callee_ended as recently as 12/19/2020. Are you still having issues receiving these webhooks?


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