What is the use case for an API user?

I’m currently struggling to find resources that clearly describe how I should integrate users from my web app into zoom.

I would love to be able to implement SSO from my web app so that my users can log into zoom, but I am using AWS cognito for user authentication and management and it seems that it cannot be used in this use case.

My next thought was to programatically create zoom users via the api, but I’m 100% confused as to what I should be doing and can’t seem to work out exactly what the use case is for API users.

As stated in the docs here “a user created in this way cannot log into the zoom website or client”, but if I create a user any other way, the user is required to have a zoom username and password, independently from the username and password which they use to log into my app.

Can anyone shed any light on if there is a way to generate OAuth tokens such that an API user will still be able to host meetings. The only way I understand so far is where the API user is able to join as a participant, but I don’t understand how to set them up to host.

All the scheduling of meetings will take place via an API but I would still like users to be able to use the zoom client to have meetings.

Is it possible to log users in programatically using OAuth tokens?

Thanks in advance

Hi @tom,

Thank you for reaching out to us on the Zoom Developer Support Forum.

I am currently working on your use case and will respond to this thread as soon as I have any updates.


Hi @tom,

To generate OAuth token for users to create meetings, you can start by creating a user-managed app within our marketplace[1]. From there they’ll be able to use OAuth to create/host meetings for themselves[2].

1- https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/about-marketplace/building-connectors-and-apps
2 -https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/authorization/oauth-with-zoom

Let us know if you have any more questions.