Which plan is better for an Zoom REST APIs application?

We are a small group of programmers who have developed a new web product from scratch. Our software will be used with Zoom REST APIs to create meeting rooms for people. Currently, each meeting room can accommodate 2 participants, and in the future, our program will be able to use Zoom’s REST APIs to create multiple meeting rooms (each meeting should last 40-60 minutes). We aim to utilize more functionality from Zoom, such as recording meetings to the cloud and retrieving additional information about past meetings. As a result, we can’t choose a suitable plan for our needs.

We are currently testing our application using server-to-server authentication. This involves registering one user as the main user and using their credentials for authentication when making requests such as creating a zoom meeting and setting up webhooks. We have tested our application at the following endpoint: https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/me/meetings. Additionally, we have also tested the webhook and it will be used.

public Optional createMeeting(String topic, String meetDescription,
LocalDateTime startTime) {
String jsonRequest = buildJsonCreateMeetingRequest(topic, meetDescription, startTime);
String url = zoomApiUrl + ZOOM_USER_BASE_URL + “/me/meetings”;

return zoomApiClient.post(url, jsonRequest, ZoomCreateMeetingResponse.class);


private String buildJsonCreateMeetingRequest(String topic, String meetDescription,
LocalDateTime startTime) {
try {
ZoomCreateMeetingRequest request = ZoomCreateMeetingRequest.builder()
return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(request);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
logger.error(“Error processing JSON request”, e);
return StringUtils.EMPTY;

Can you please help us understand which plans would be most suitable for using all of the described functionalities?

Hi @ivashchenkoivan5 ,

Welcome to the Zoom Developer community! Certain endpoints require pro or higher accounts to access them. For example, to Add a meeting registrant, the host must be licensed.

I recommend reviewing the API endpoints you think you’ll be need and looking at the “Prerequisites” to audit the type of plan that would be a good fit.

For example, many people are interested in Get a Meeting Summary, which allows you to programmatically retrieve the summaries generated by Zoom A.I. Companion!

With that in mind, Workplace Pro may be a good fit as it has A.I. Companion, Cloud Storage (for cloud recording endpoints) and more bundled in the plan. Take a look here: Plans & Pricing for Zoom Workplace | Zoom

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Thank you so much for the answering and help us!
Have a nice day!

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