This is the issue we are facing while integrating zoom with salesforce
Description of error is given below
We integrated salesforce with zoom app from app exchange and from zoom webinar we are creating /scheduling webinar .We are able to get the record of scheduled webinar in salesforce and the registrants registered for that particular webinar .But after completing the webinar we are not able to get the attendees whoever had attend the webinar
There is a sync button through which we can get the attendees for that webinar but it is not working to get the attendees records.
Also we found that at the time of registrants record creation for few registrants it is creating lead records and others it is creating as contact records
when we are testing it with few records then it is working fine and when actually webinar is running with more attendees then it seems to be not working and attendees were not creating .
Also the one batch class is failing in the backend when we are trying to sync the records.
For testing purpose we creating webinar with few members as registrants and in that case all registrants are generating as lead but for the actual webinars the main issue is why for few registrants records lead is creating and for all others contacts.
And that’s why that batch class is failing as it is not getting all leads in bulk
Here is the snaps of tested webinar with few member whose records is coming in zoom webinar attendees , Actual webinar records and its registrants and blank attendees records and the sync button which is workin fine for test webinars but not for actual webinars
Please go through it and help ,
Its really creating issue .