Zoom Integration App for Salesforce - Webinar Attendee info not populating

Hi we have the Salesforce - Zoom app integration installed and running in our production environment. The webinar, registrant, panelist and history objects all update fine but when the webinar ends we don’t get he the Attendee information. Even when attempting a manual sync. Please advise.

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In addition when trying to sync an old webinar we get the following error:

Apex script unhandled exception by user/organization: 0050g0000069IwF/00D700000008zJU

Failed to process batch for class ‘zoom_app.SyncRegistrantsBatch’ for job id ‘7074u0000D7qM2R’

caused by: System.ListException: Before Insert or Upsert list must not have two identically equal elements

Class.zoom_app.SyncRegistrantsBatch.execute: line 210, column 1

Hey @lbolden,

Please checkout this thread and let me know if it answers your question:


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