Zoom Webhook record.completed not available


In my Zoom Marketplace App I am attempting to subscribe to the record.completed webhook.

I can subsrcibe to other webhooks such as meeting.started and meeting.ended.

For some reason the Recording webhooks are not available at all in the event selection list.

Does anyone know if there is something specific that we need to do in order to subscribe to the Recording events?

Thank you!

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I’m seeing the same thing. The documentation references this webhook but it’s not available for subscription.

I am facing issue. recording evet is not available while subscribing event in server to server app

Hi all, please address the following questions:

  • Are these new applications created after February 5th?
  • What type of applications?
  • Is cloud recording enabled? Verify by following the guidance here.

Hi Gianni,

I am trying to integrate Pabbly Automation with Zoom.

So when a zoom recording is completed we need to upload it on Google drive.

I created an application on 12th April and set up the respective webhook but under the event section I am not finding the Recording event.

Please advice what can be done here? As this is a major roadblock for our task.

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Hi Gianni,

  • Are these new applications created after February 5th?
  • What type of applications?
    Server-To-Server OAuth
  • Is cloud recording enabled? Verify by following the guidance

Problem is not able to see Recording event for webhook subscription

Hi Otter,

did you find a solution for this problem?


Just wanted to chime in and say I’m experiencing the same issue. I don’t see the event type in the list of options while the documentation refers it. I’m using a regular App (not Server-to-Server). I’m interested in catching the recording.completed event outlined here: Zoom API Events - Meeting

  • Are these new applications created after February 5th?
    Yes, I created the application today.
  • What type of applications?
    Regular app (not Server-to-Server)
  • Is cloud recording enabled? Verify by following the guidance here 3.
    Pretty sure it’s enabled. I can make cloud recordings with my account and we went through the steps in the link you provided. Our admin account also can’t see the event type in the list.

Let me know if you need additional information :slight_smile:

Hi all,

Thanks for your information. I am able to reproduce this and have followed up with internal team sharing info (ZOOM-696701).

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Hi @gianni.zoom

We’re also experiencing the same issue on our licensed (business) account. The recording webhook is not available in event types.

  1. Are these new applications created after February 5th?
    Yes, created the application on 22 April
  2. What type of applications?
    Server-To-Server OAuth
  3. Is cloud recording enabled?
    Yes the cloud recording is enabled
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Hi @gianni.zoom

Facing the same issue. In the new app under the event subscription, the list does not have recording events.

Request you to resolve the issue ASAP as it is a major obstacle in our workflow.

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We are experiencing this issue as well.

@gianni.zoom Do you have any updates for when this will be resolved?

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I am also facing this issue.
@gianni.zoom Any update when this will be fixed?

Hi all, current status is this is waiting final review for push to production as of 2 days ago. I will be following up tomorrow for status update, but please refresh to see if scopes are visible.

I just checked my existing server-to-server app and it’s not available there.

I stubbed out a new server-to-server app and it’s not available there.

Thanks @jheavner , I’ll check in with the team to see when this is being pushed.

Hi @codingninjas @jatin @shaq @hathayogainstitute @liam.boujnida @jheavner this fix was finalized May 2nd, can you please confirm?

Yeah, it’s fixed but now I can’t verify an API for a new server-to-server application. I’ve opened a ticket for it.

@jheavner what do you mean by verify? Happy you were able to process a ticket with support!

Support and the support ticket were useless. I mean that the validate URL is very inconsistent. Yesterday I was not able to verify a URL using AWS API Gateway but I was able to validate a Function URL directly from the Lambda function I was using. The responses from both were identical. Today I’m trying to create another one and it’s doing the same thing again. There is zero information displayed about the problem and support was no help.