Zoom webhook recording completed event

Recording completed event gives wrong value in file_size for a file
Data is not correct in event body

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)

Screenshots (If applicable)

Additional context
Because file size is not correct, i am unable to process.

Hi @youngartiste, can you email developersupport@zoom.us with specific responses and discrepancies between these file sizes?

Have you factored the size of multiple file types (MP4, M4A, etc) in the recording?

Sorry My bad, now to download i need to send auth token. Its resolved

1 Like

Happy to hear you resolved your issue! :slight_smile:


i use webhook for recording.complete.
but request object is null.
ı dont understand.I used api document scheme
This is my class for catch request :
public partial class ZoomRequest
public string Event { get; set; }

    public Payload Payload { get; set; }

public partial class Payload
    public string AccountId { get; set; }

    public Object Object { get; set; }

public partial class Object
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public string Uuid { get; set; }

    public string HostId { get; set; }

    public string Topic { get; set; }

    public string Type { get; set; }

    public string StartTime { get; set; }

    public string Timezone { get; set; }

    public string HostEmail { get; set; }

    public string Duration { get; set; }

    public string ShareUrl { get; set; }

    public string TotalSize { get; set; }

    public string RecordingCount { get; set; }

    public RecordingFile[] RecordingFiles { get; set; }

public partial class RecordingFile
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public string MeetingId { get; set; }

    public string RecordingStart { get; set; }

    public string RecordingEnd { get; set; }

    public string FileType { get; set; }

    public string FileSize { get; set; }

    public string PlayUrl { get; set; }

    public string DownloadUrl { get; set; }

    public string Status { get; set; }

    public string RecordingType { get; set; }

Also i looked webhook logs :
“applicationId”: “HgFdHTtMRr-wpI4_2OGTAA”,
“monitorTime”: 1592743279336,
“traceId”: “Webhook_8dd0f97f26db420b91d7caf01b2831e7”,
“accountId”: “KivVttYXR6S3U3LwiApf0A”,
“event”: “recording.completed”,
“status”: “200”,
“userId”: “egp47ftGRU-XyYJDGoopAw”,
“url”: “https://test.birebirogretmen.com/VimeoUpload/HandleZoomRecording”,
“subscriptionId”: “6hBKam0hSRS7iLu6bikNSQ”,
“requestHeaders”: “N/A”,
“requestBody”: {
“event”: “recording.completed”,
“payload”: {
“account_id”: “KivVttYXR6S3U3LwiApf0A”,
“object”: {
“uuid”: “wRtsQmL3RI6eMOg3406Wbw==”,
“id”: ***********,
“account_id”: “KivVttYXR6S3U3LwiApf0A”,
“host_id”: “egp47ftGRU-XyYJDGoopAw”,
“topic”: “osman”,
“type”: 2,
“start_time”: “2020-06-21T12:26:46Z”,
“timezone”: “Europe/Istanbul”,
“host_email”: “destek@birebirogretmen.com”,
“duration”: 13,
“total_size”: 39180892,
“recording_count”: 2,
“share_url”: “https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/-vZpNIj10jhIY9LAzWbQAfJ5QLvvaaa81CYW_Ptey0xs8NBaqAkpeqBAuhoI2eJ_”,
“recording_files”: [
“id”: “4f17cbe2-7ba3-460d-9343-65004e943940”,
“meeting_id”: “wRtsQmL3RI6eMOg3406Wbw==”,
“recording_start”: “2020-06-21T12:26:47Z”,
“recording_end”: “2020-06-21T12:39:58Z”,
“file_type”: “M4A”,
“file_size”: 5385887,
“play_url”: “https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/ucIscLr6-zk3HYbEswSDBPYtW9W-Kqis1CQe-vdYxUu2WnQDO1OuMLYbMLPF4hunJbdksU87V73MdAGl”,
“download_url”: “https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/webhook_download/ucIscLr6-zk3HYbEswSDBPYtW9W-Kqis1CQe-vdYxUu2WnQDO1OuMLYbMLPF4hunJbdksU87V73MdAGl/98tyKvXQ-U1-YrDRzXvFH7E5P9jSLNTGtlBvx530vukPJfg_4RLZa69_pg”,
“status”: “completed”,
“recording_type”: “audio_only”
“id”: “95900e61-1d53-4378-b29d-886b737b02f8”,
“meeting_id”: “wRtsQmL3RI6eMOg3406Wbw==”,
“recording_start”: “2020-06-21T12:26:47Z”,
“recording_end”: “2020-06-21T12:39:58Z”,
“file_type”: “MP4”,
“file_size”: 33795005,
“play_url”: “https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/tJEkd-n9qDo3G4CQswSDAfFxW46_J_-s2ikYqPQOyx21USYLMwD0ZeNGNONEP0qTs6_YRdlvnWTSxqPN”,
“download_url”: “https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/webhook_download/tJEkd-n9qDo3G4CQswSDAfFxW46_J_-s2ikYqPQOyx21USYLMwD0ZeNGNONEP0qTs6_YRdlvnWTSxqPN/98tyKvXQ-U1-YrDRzXvFH7E5P9jSLNTGtlBvx530vukPJfg_4RLZa69_pg”,
“status”: “completed”,
“recording_type”: “active_speaker”
“download_token”: “eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2V2ZW50Lnpvb20udXMiLCJhY2NvdW50SWQiOiJLaXZWdHRZWFI2UzNVM0x3aUFwZjBBIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9vYXV0aC56b29tLnVzIiwibWlkIjoid1J0c1FtTDNSSTZlTU9nMzQwNldidz09IiwiZXhwIjoxNTkyODI5Njc5LCJ1c2VySWQiOiJlZ3A0N2Z0R1JVLVh5WUpER29vcEF3In0.AyI8J6I3iMSo-ZB6d2FBFos3umh9ifoW0yR1IQItkPaS47x9_uswGj3AjKe7KDDm4tJ08VK1ePsdDl8-_t-a4A”
“responseHeaders”: {
“Server”: “Kestrel”,
“Content-Length”: “0”,
“Date”: “Sun, 21 Jun 2020 12:41:18 GMT”
“runTime”: “448”,
“ttl”: 1593952880,
“requestParameters”: undefined,
“responseData”: undefined

my endpoint : https://test.birebirogretmen.com/VimeoUpload/HandleZoomRecording

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

Hey @osman_dmr,

Please start a new thread as this issue is different and the thread already has a solution.


Hi osman_dmr,
Were you able to resolve this issue? I am having the same problem on some of my requests. If you have a link or thread that helped you solve this it would be greatly appreciated.


Hey @Rashid,

Please start a new thread as this issue is different and the thread already has a solution.
