ZR-CSAPI Roadmap detail [repost]

There are no changes planned for the ZR-CSAPI.


Thanks Scott!

I want to confirm for sure, there are no plans to depreciate the API?

I need to build a “Zoom Look-a-Like” Crestron interface and want to be sure the API will not disappear once I am waist deep.

Also, is there a command to emulate the user tapping the controller screen? I am working on a mockup and cannot get the “Tap Controller to Start” message off the screen.

Thanks again!


Pat: I can assure you that Zoom has no plans for the ZR-CSAPI.

Also: We have no plans to create new plans for the ZR-CSAPI.

Also: We are going to EOL our REST V1 API. But the ZR-CSAPI is totally separate from that; the ZR-CSAPI is not part of the EOL of the REST V1 API. There was some customer questions on that.

Thanks again for the info Scott.

There is a desire to have Zoom Room functionality and UX in larger,more complex systems.

If there are no more plans for the ZR-CSAPI, is Zoom going to put resources into development of the Room Controller platform? Where we can add controls to the Zoom Room app for the added functionality.

Below is a summary of what is needed. Also at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSX5uARKSOzIj2v2cMOyakxlH2zvzBSBFrxZS4sJPU7b4T02sxecO0lu7WLzJeZJex5iAFr93hbLgqa/pub

Zoom Rooms in More Complex Automation Systems

An Open Request to Zoom re: Zoom Room Controller

Zoom is Winning

Zoom has widespread use. Not only in commercial but now in educational and residential areas as well. People are very familiar with the Zoom Rooms interface which is so easy to deploy in smaller huddle rooms.

There needs to be a way to re-create that interface in more complex automation systems. Larger rooms with a variety or hard wired shared inputs, non-USB cameras, DSP volumes, lights, shades, and other automation not on a standard Zoom Room.

Zoom Room Controller

Good start but with only one pop up page, the needed extra functionality gets pushed together in one place. We need a way to add the extra functionality where it logically goes.

Needed Changes:

Multiple Hard Wired Share Sources

In larger spaces, there is more of a chance to have more than one hard wired input. The signal flow is easily handled with an AV switcher feeding the share input. How does the user choose?

If we could add buttons to the existing share screen, the user could make selections without needing to flip pages back and forth.

Non-USB Cameras

Larger spaces are also more likely to have non-USB cameras, possibly more than one.

Similar to source sharing, we need to be able to add the camera selection and controls to the existing camera popup page.

Volume Control via a DSP Block

Larger systems often use a DSP to manage audio. In these cases, we may want to control the volume in the DSP, not the Zoom Room.

We need to be able to change and/or add to the existing volume control. The user should be able to control what they perceive as the room’s audio from a logical place, not a secondary screen.

Other Automation

The initial Room Control functionality with the ability to add a side button and pop up page is perfect for lights, shades, and other possible automation. This functionality should stay along with the above additions.

Thanks Again!

What is the ZR - CSAPI commands for admitting participants from a waiting room?
Also the command for the Zoom room to claim host?

Thanks for the help!!

Hey @eo43,

Currently we do not have those two commands. I will run this by our Zoom Room engineering team.


Hey @patricklbryant,

Thanks for your detailed post, we appreciate the feature requests and review them accordingly.


Hi Tommy,

Thanks for your response.

We are integrating zoom rooms in all our classrooms on our campus at New York University Abu Dhabi and considering the important security feature such as waiting rooms especially when it is being used in a classroom setting will be of great help to us.

commands for waiting rooms, assigning a participant as co-host, and webinar commands.
if you could give me information about these topics will be greatly appreciated.
And what is the roadmap for these commands to be put as a feature?

Thanks for the additional details @eo43!

I have asked engineering and will get back to you. (ZOOM-162987)


Hi @tommy!
Do you have any feedback on the waiting room control implementation in the ZR - CSAPI?
This feature does look essential for any AV Control integration, especially in the Educational market.


Hey @dutkin,

No updates yet. I will post back here once this feature request is approved.


Are there any plans to change the limitation (referenced below) so that ZR-CSAPI can be used simulatenously with a ZR Controller? Searching through the forum I saw some similar questions, but they were from quite some time ago.

“the standard Zoom Room Controller (iPad / Android tablet) cannot be connected to the Zoom Room simultaneously while ZR-CSAPI is running.”


Hey @casey.olearym

Is this the issue you are referring to?


Yes, that is the issue I’m referring to. Scott detailed it in his response, “Simultaneous use of the iPad/Android Zoom Room Controller and the SSH API”

We have about 200 traditional H.323 system classrooms, which will ultimately transition into Zoom Rooms, but our room technicians need the ability to provide more in depth remote support for these rooms while still utilizing the native ZR Controller in the room (especially since the implementation of IP controls, so now there is no need for additional controllers or third party controllers).

Currently, the only way to do this with the parameters detailed above, is to create a web application using the SSH API so that they can remotely mute/unmute audio, video, and manipulate any other settings which are outside the scope of the native ZR adminitration web page.


Thanks @casey.oleary.

We are currently working on this. I will keep you updated. (ZOOM-36231)


Hi, I was told by our rep to comment here…

We are currently deploying several more integrated Zoom Rooms that are controlled by the in-room AV system via the ZR-CSAPI. However, there are a few commands that we either cannot find or do not exist.

Our account is set by our admins so that Participant Sharing is disabled by default; to curtail Zoom Bombing. This is has to be explicitly enabled by the meeting host, which is fine on the desktop client. However, we cannot seem to find a relevant command for the ZR-CSAPI. Since we are a Higher Ed institution using hybrid teaching for the fall, we absolutely must have this feature.

Second, we cannot seem to find a ZR-CSAPI command to accept recording prompts. If Zoom Rooms auto accept then it would be an non-issue. Can someone confirm if accepting is required and if so, what the ZR-CSAPI command is?


Hey @melliott,

So to be clear, you wan to be able to set the following settings via the ZR-CSAPI:

  1. Disable Zoom Room Screen Sharing

  2. Accept recording consent prompt

Once you confirm, I will add these to our backlog.


Hi @tommy,

We need to be able to do the following from the ZR-CSAPI…

  • Enable/Disable participant sharing
  • Accept recording prompt

As I poorly stated previously, our account is setup so that participant sharing must be explicitly enabled by the host for every meeting. This was to curtail Zoom bombing.

Thank you!


Hey @melliott,

Thanks for the clarification, I have added these as feature requests in our backlog. (ZOOM-180572)


Hey @tommy

With the upcoming requirement for all meetings to have a password would it be possible for you guys to add the password to the return data for the command: zCommand Bookings List ?

Right now it only returns the meeting number and with the addition of the password it would give us the ability to auto join meeting that we have already been invited to.
