Customizable Web SDK (Audio Receive Browser Support for Safari 11+ / iOS 13+) status

Customizable Web SDK (Audio Receive Browser Support for Safari 11+ / iOS 13+) status.

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Is there any timeline of when we might have audio receive support for Safari/Mobile Safari?

Hey @jremi,

Unfortunately this is out of Zoom’s hands. Apple are yet to implement the Audio Worklet API (required for Zoom Audio) in the latest versions of Safari.

There’s a thread over on Apple’s developer forum, please feel free to leave a message there to let them know you’re waiting on it too: Safari Audio does not work for Zoo… | Apple Developer Forums

I’ve also been waiting on this for some time, however the good thing is that the Audio Worklet API has been introduced in the latest beta versions of Safari, so we are likely to see it in the next few months. As soon as it’s released, we can expect a new version of the SDK from Zoom.

You can stay up to date with this feature on the Zoom Developer Roadmap on Trello


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Thanks for sharing the solution @alexmayo ! :slight_smile:

@jremi , please let us know if you have any other questions.


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