Moodle integration recording not fetching

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
I don’t know what this means. I’m new to using Zoom API just so we can sync it to our Moodle site.

Using Zoom plugin in Moodle; sessions work and are set up from Moodle but recordings do not sync back to the module. I found this forum (Not getting meeting recording via API) that was not resolved, and the same thing occurs for us which I suspect is the problem but don’t know how to fix it.

The logs from the scheduled task “Get meeting recordings from Zoom” read as follows:
Execute scheduled task: Get meeting recordings from Zoom (mod_zoom\task\get_meeting_recordings)
… started 09:00:08. Current memory use 5.4 MB.
Finding meeting recordings for this account…
Recording id: ac927554-cccb-46e9-ac40-19fce69fd3fc exist(s)…skipping
Recording id: 4996c26c-518f-4ba3-85ef-fc68bfcdaecc exist(s)…skipping
Recording id: c68d6dc3-625b-4a0d-9caf-8fe74c1bdb1e exist(s)…skipping
Recording id: e142cc54-7284-43d2-bf32-3476bfa7ff04 exist(s)…skipping
Recording id: 5b0854a7-d61d-4957-8587-70e74ad8bc99 exist(s)…skipping
Recording id: 976c7ac6-b033-42df-8c8f-ac83cf78e214 exist(s)…skipping
Recording id: 4e494a80-5658-4405-b819-2ec6e31fedfb exist(s)…skipping
Recording id: 4fd219d0-3914-424b-a729-55f88eb0f112 exist(s)…skipping
Recording id: 3d48a94a-580b-4f2d-b8d6-1d102155ce7d exist(s)…skipping
… used 5 dbqueries
… used 8.3271420001984 seconds
Scheduled task complete: Get meeting recordings from Zoom (mod_zoom\task\get_meeting_recordings)

How To Reproduce

  1. Set up Server-to-Server OAuth in Zoom App marketplace (with an Education package)
  2. Set up Zoom meeting plugin in Moodle and link all the API data
  3. Set up a meeting in a course, set to auto-record to cloud and not publish recordings automatically
  4. Enter meeting, record, end meeting.
  5. See that meeting recording is published in Zoom cloud.
  6. Go to Admin > Server > Tasks > Scheduled Tasks and navigate to “Get meeting recordings from Zoom”
  7. Hit “run now”
  8. Go back to meeting module in course, see that recordings are listed but not actually linked (when you click on the recording link an error message says “Recording could not be found”. It exists. You checked.)
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I have the same issue since I moved from JWT to Server-To-Server OAuth.
I can’t find recordings in Moodle.
Waiting to find a solution.

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I have also faced the same issue since I moved from JWT to the Server-To-Server OAuth App.

My Past recordings are not being fetched on my LMS (Moodle). But the new recordings are being fetched by LMS which was created after the activation of the Server-To-Server OAuth App.

Suggest to me how I can fetch the past recording with this new Server-To-Server OAuth App.


HI @aisectzoom
Thanks for reaching out to us
Would you mind sharing with me a link to the Documentation you are using to set up Moodle with Zoom please