Not getting Engagement details in Zoom App & App closed between calls

I started with the zoomapps-advancedsample-react and I’m not able to get engagement events when open in the Contact Center during a call. I’m not sure if there is a configuration that I am missing. I’ve added the onEngagementContextChange event to my app and added it within the zoomSdk config capabilities.

Lastly, is there a way to keep the app open within the contact center client between calls? I would like to have it open next to the dial pad so that I can fetch contacts through my application to make outbound calls.

Hi Brett,

When your app first loads, you will need to call the associated APIs in your app to get the data. This is because there is no webview instance running for your app when the agent first opens the app. The events will send updates to your app, but they can not be used to provide data when your Zoom App first loads.

Take a look at the sequence diagram on this link below.

It shows that your app should send requests to the API methods to get the data. Once you have the initial data about the engagement, you can render your app accordingly. From that point, you can then setup event listeners to be notified regarding any changes to that engagement, or new engagements.

Regarding the second question, currently the Zoom Apps render inside the Engagements in Zoom Contact Center, so it is not possible to leave the app open within ZCC outside of engagements. Users can access your app in the “Apps” section of the Zoom client, but it is outside of Zoom Contact Center and when the user accesses your app there, your app will not have access to the Zoom Contact Center API/Events in the Zoom Apps SDK.

Thanks Justin for the response. I’ve been able to get the basic engagement details on the load of the application within the client. I have a couple questions that you may be able to help with. The current project I’m working on we are using the contact center smart embed within our application and we receive postMessage events when the recording of the engagement is finished as well as the transcript for the engagement. Are there specific events in the configuration of the Zoom App to get the same updates that are received in the smart embed? And is there a way to keep the application open when the call is disconnected instead of instantly opening the disposition tab? We are just trying to give the same experience to the agents but within the zoom client, and we have certain post call actions that need to be completed before a call is completed.

Hi Brett,

When you build your App on the Zoom Marketplace, you can enable multiple features, including:

  • Zoom App - to surface your web app inside the Zoom client. This includes the API/Events built into the Zoom Apps SDK
  • Zoom REST API scopes - to allow your app backend to send requests to the Zoom REST APIs
  • Zoom Webhook/Websocket events - to allow your app backend to receive events sent from the Zoom cloud services

To receive recording/transcript events, you would want to have your app in the Zoom Marketplace subscribe to webhook events. You would then receive these webhook events from Zoom cloud services to your app backend.

To recap, while you can do all of these in a single Zoom Marketplace app, you would not be leveraging the Zoom App SDK to handle/process the recording/transcript functionality.

At this time, there is not a way to persist your app in the UI automatically when the agent goes into wrap-up state. However, in a future release, we plan to offer the ability to pop your Zoom App out of the right side panel of ZCC, to a dedicated window which should help with the experience you are describing.