Return to Galley View after Spotlight cancel

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
While the cancel Spotlight action automatically reverts participants’ views back to Speaker View, it becomes cumbersome for participants to have to manually revert back to Gallery View if that was the view from which they were forced into Spotlight.

Describe the solution you’d like
The cancel Spotlight feature should simply revert the participant view back to their previous view, whether Speaker or Galley view.

Describe alternatives you’ve considered
Reminding participants that they can go to galley view. Kludgy.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.


Super important feature! It would organize the experience, making it more intuitive and simpler.


Although over 150 people viewed this topic, it seems there is not much interest in this improvement idea… SMH. Thanks for your support @ziemilski


This is very important. We use Zoom in a broadcast environment, and it would be great if this reset automatically so we didn’t have to touch each production machine


@mmediaman Very surprised at your comment that there is not much interest in this improvement. It’s the most obvious disadvantage of using “Spotlight”. As soon as the host uses “Spotlight” for the first time in a meeting and then subsequently cancels it, everybody in the meeting is forced out of gallery into speaker view. I’ve been in many Zoom meetings where somebody then has to tell everybody how to put themselves back to gallery view - many Zoom users are not experts on Zoom controls and are relying on the host to optimise the view experience for them.

I regard the current behaviour (i.e. not reverting participants’ view to what it was before the spotlight) as a bug that should certainly be addressed. The current behaviour means that as a host, I am very reluctant to use “Spotlight” at all, as so many participants dislike the aftermath of its use.


Ian there just isn’t much activity on the topic thread. So I speculate that sadly that means there is no traction to get it changed…

I so wish development houses would poll people instead of waiting for ppl to find subjects to vote on.


I would love that this should be an update. Many theatremakers and conference speakers would love this as an update


This is a critical issue for us at Stanford University. It would solve some major problems with hybrid teaching.


Really essential feature. Please make it default back to participants’ original view, or failing that, default to Gallery so that participants can choose Speaker view if they prefer.
My colleagues are all using this great spotlight feature to foreground speakers / teachers in group sessions. If they want it to be totally speaker led, they will use a Webinar.


I agree. We experienced this today on a call where returning to gallery view would have been preferred after the host ended the spotlight.

Perhaps an option in the settings to returned to gallery after exiting spotlight would be the best solution allowing those users that want this features to turn it on.



Yes definately it is a most annoying thing the view jumping to the opposite view after spotlighting. Using sign language we rely on spotlighting for participation than spoken conferencins so we really need it fixed. Not only that Zoom made it harder to get at the toggle by hiding it behind another View button I mean why? The toggle was fine an only one click. Grrrr


This is absolutely needed! Very annoying when you have participants in gallery view, a speaker is spotlighted and when it is cancelled it goes back to a different view than what everyone was in. Why on earth would you do that?


ABSOLUTELY NEEDED! Hosting concerts and dance parties and its nice to be able to spotlight folks and then go straight back to gallery instead of back to speaker who may have left the room to use the bathroom or something.


Yep… a vote from me on this one too. Big problem.


I work with adults with learning disabilities - we have guided them through Zoom so they can access their art and performance sessions through this challenging time. They have been brilliant but Spotlight does not work for them unless it goes back to gallery view. They so need to be in the spotlight and have their moment but don’t always have the support to turn back the view. It’s such a shame because we would love to use the spotlight feature more. They need to be able to see the teacher spotlit and then themselves and then back to all their friends. if you could fix it it would enhance their experience so much. Thank you.


I’ll add my voice to this. Spotlight used to leave the view alone and not change it. It is SO time consuming for me during a Q&A session to continuously switch to Gallery view after each spotlight and replace spotlight. If the view was just left alone in the view the user choses that would be SO helpful. It used to be like and I’d like that to come back. Perhaps just adding a switch allowing us to turn OFF this new feature that automatically switches to Speaker view each time. Even with a hot-key defined to switch back I honestly switch between 40-80 times per hour in our Q&A’s and it takes my eyes off the commenters and the speaker (we are a sign language group) and it is VERY hard to keep doing this…

Please help us zoom Dev’s!! :slight_smile:


Rehearsing for a Christmas sharing by various contributions, I have just hit this problem. With a large audience that are on a variety of devices, its not easy to get all to convert to Gallery view which allows them to see all other participants. A welcome addition to the host controls.


Yes, please add this “feature.” I agree with others who have suggested it’s not a feature at all but the fix of a bug. As a church, we used zoom all the time, and our participants want to see each other. Right now they have to swap into gallery mode every time we stop spotlighting someone. And many of them are elders and don’t know how to do this. I add my voice to those who urge Zoom to prioritize this fix. We have 5 zoom accounts and I am guessing many other churches would be more willing to hop on the zoom bandwagon if this is fixed. Thank you!


Same with our usage of Zoom. Also after screen sharing it reverts to speaker view. This is a huge problem for many, mostly for the elders that want a “sit-back-experience”.

I vote for this feature as a standard. Please make it happen.


We would also welcome this suggestion. Most of our participants prefer to use gallery view. If I as host spotlight one of the speakers and then turn it off when they finish, it currently forces all participants in to speaker view. Naturally, everyone assumes this is ‘pilot error’ but it is not appropriate to interrupt a church service with “you need to click on Gallery View again” instructions. It would be sensible to allow all clients to revert to the view they were in prior to the spotlight. Thank you & hopefully this can make it in as a standard (or at least selectable) feature.