Want to create Zoom Meeting link for specific user to join

I want to schedule a Zoom meeting link with specific emails to join only.
can anyone help me to how can i archive this ?

Hi, @dharmik1 ,

Thank you for posting in the Developer Forum. Here are some options you can consider to schedule a Zoom meeting link with specific emails to join only.

  1. Blocker users in specific domains.

Blocking users in specific domains


  1. Leverage the Meeting Registration Workflow and send user the unique registration join URL. Here is a helpful developer forum post on this topic:

Hello @donte.zoom
thanks for you help.
can you give me the information about registration flow
like on which pricing plan supports the meeting registration flow?
because when i tried with my free plan account it gives me the Error with this message :
Only available for paid users: rEBiM9MQTmqcIO4yHGpMQA.