What setting do I need to tick or apply to enable role members to have their own API keys

What setting do I need to tick or apply to enable role members to have their own API keys

Hi @nadinevaughan,

In order to provide API Key access to individuals under your account, you will need to grant them developer privileges so that they can access the developer marketplace.

Steps to grant your member this privilege:

  1. Navigate to the User Management section of your Zoom.us account
  2. Click Edit to the right of the user
  3. From the popup, select the User Role dropdown and apply a role to the user that contains the Zoom for Developers privilege

If your account doesn’t have a role for this yet, you can create one by following these steps (before steps 1-3 above):

  1. Navigate to the Role Management section of your Zoom.us account

  2. Click Add Role on the upper right hand side of your screen, name the role and continue through the popup

  3. Scroll down to Advanced Features and select check the boxes on Zoom for Developers:

  4. Hit Save Changes and proceed to the first steps above for User Management.

Let me know if this helps!

Thank you Will

I have updated the settings as per your instructions and the option (integrations) still does not appears

Any more ideas?


Hi @nadinevaughan,

Thanks for giving that a try. Once an individual has these permissions, they should be able to log into marketplace.zoom.us and access developer info/API credentials by following these steps:
Finding your API Key/Secret Credentials in Marketplace

Are they able to access this page?


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