Zoom Verify - Domain Validation via HTML file

We have followed the instructions to generate the verifyzoom.html file and uploaded it to our website and we are receiving an Internal Server Error. I have read a few threads on this topic and can’t seem to find any that reference this “Internal Server Error” when we visit the URL.


Thank you for reaching out in relation to Our Domain Validation process, the next steps will be sent to you via DM. Please refer to our domain validation resource: Domain Validation Explanation for any further questions you may have about the process.

Thank you.

Hi there. I’m new here, is this DM?

Hi There,

Thank you for reaching out. Is this the definition of DM? via email or is it in the forum area?


No worries, Welcome to our Devforum! To access your DM’s please click on your profile picture, and on the mail icon. You should be able to see all notifications and DM’s.

Since I have never received a DM, it won’t show? Were you able to send along a DM yet?

Sorry, I don’t see anything relating to a mail icon. I do see notifications. Is this discussion public? or DM?

I think I get it now. I see my question sent via email is showing a “mail” icon with an arrow to your profile. So I am assuming that this direct email works as a DM?


I have sent another DM, if it is not showing please send an email to catalina.diaz@zoom.us.