Api and GUI engagement are not capturing the Mute event

Hello Dev,

I’d like to know if the “Mute” event is being captured in the engagement (GUI and API)?

Is this feature being applied to contact center user or something else?

After the June 15 update was released, I can now see the hold every hold event on both API and UI. I’m just not seeing the Mute events

We did some testing and when the agent muted his mic, it’s not being captured in the event logs.

Ndyak0sBQ7m25XIFttyjIg - Agent Name ( Joemark)
7rp1L3g3RIC8emTxfmWVEA – Agent Name ( Mary Jane)

Hi Joel,

Are you experiencing this on Webhook or Websocket events ? Please make sure you have added the mute events to your app. Depending on your app type, you may need to reinstall the app in your Zoom App Marketplace to authorize the new mute events.

When you say “GUI” do you mean the Zoom Workplace app, or are you building your own Zoom App GUI for ZCC ?

I’m referring to the Zoom Web > Engagement events.
When zoom contact center user press the mute button on their headset while on a call, the mute event is not being captured in the engagement activity logs.

by the way, I am not building anything. We are just using the Zoom CC to received calls from our customers.

Hi Joel. Please make sure that your configuration in the Zoom App Marketplace has both the mute and unmute event enabled for your webhook configuration.