Meeting bad audio and bad video

Hi, just confirming this issue from May is still happening.

Hey @sjp49659,

Thanks for letting us know you are seeing this issue. We are in the process of fixing it. :slight_smile:


Any resolution here? Any ETA?

Hey @webdev,

We are prioritizing fixing this issue. I will let you know when we have an ETA.


Ok. Do you have any visibility to when it occurs, what browsers, and any workarounds? Or half-measures? Thx.

I’m trying the Web SDK feature for the first time. I’m attending a conference being run on Whova using Zoom SDK. My laptop is not a basic/intro level one so should have plenty of CPU availability. I have absolutely no sound when viewing the SDK feed inside Whova on Chrome.

My workaround is to have the direct zoom meeting link running (with sound) in the background and the Whova open to view the video stream and have access to the whova Q&A and Chat features.

Hey @webdev,

We suggest using Chrome and having a strong internet connection.


Hey @Enfys,

Thanks for sharing your work around. However the audio should work on chrome. Can you please provide more details like what version of the Web SDK you are using, and which version of Chrome?


Hi Tommy,
I’m using “Version 85.0.4183.121 (Official Build) (64-bit)” of Google Chrome.

I was using the Whova Web App as an attendee at a conference. I’m afraid I don’t know what version of the Web SDK Whova are using.

The sound is now working when I play-back sessions that were recorded during the conference but during the live-stream of the lectures I had zero sound via the zoom Web SDK in the Whova Web App in Chrome. I adjusted / checked all the audio settings I could find, tried the laptop speakers, Bluetooth headphones and wired headphones as well as the good old turn it off and back on again trick.

Hey @Enfys,

Thanks for letting us know. We will continue to debug the issue. :slight_smile:

If you experience this issue again, I suggest to reach out to Whova so they are aware and can work with us to debug the issue.


I don’t know how to post so having to reply to your comment. Signed up for Herbal Medicine conference, audio is appalling. I tried the suggested steps and they don’t work. tried accessing the web Whova and it just keeps taking me in a loop to the home page

Hey @maggie_ok,

Please create a new topic here: #web-sdk and fill out the post template so we have enough info to help. :slight_smile:


Hey everyone,

We are working to fix this in the 1.9.0 Web SDK release.

Stay updated here:


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Hi there - I am experience very low quality of powerpoint presentations in the Zoom SDK that is integrated with Whova when it’s not expanded in full screen mode. I have an event on Wednesday and I’m really worried about the experience my attendees will have - part of the benefit of not watching in full screen mode is so you can chat with others in discussion forms and other features in Whova. Whova suggested I contact you to see if you could help fix my issues asap, and how I can instruct others so they have the best experience. Do they just have to watch it in full screen mode, or is there some way for this to be optimized?

Hey @kelly.battistuzzi,

Can you please create a new topic here: #client-web-sdk and fill out the post template so we have enough details to assist you? :slight_smile:

EDIT: I will reply to you here:


hi, do you have some time to discuss simd and chrome cpu usage issue for websdk this week?
I am currently finding workarounds for this issue.


Sure i have time.

Please initiate a new thread on the forum to start a discussion about it and mention me so that i receive the notification.

Hey @nvivot, @tailinchu,

Here is the Chrome simd trial if you are interested:



Thanks @tommy

But i think we both already applied and tested the SIMD support within Zoom.

Can you check our remarks here ?

@nvivot @tommy
yeah, we tested it. also in 1.8.3 there is no simd console log. if simd is enabled, it will just download *.simd.wasm.